Monday, May 7, 2007

Minden and München

Minden, age 6 weeks, checks out his new home.

München, age 7 weeks, decides who's in charge.

After Cinnamon's unexpected death, we all took it very hard. The house in Lake Isabella was too quiet, too empty, too sad. Kissy Missy put it this way: "I think I'll just gone home and miss Cinnamon."
The place needed a cat. Two cats, in fact. Two Siamese kittens.
Meet Minden and München.
Minden is the younger of the two, a little smaller, a week younger than München. He's a bit shy at this point, but he's got the kind of resolve behind those blue eyes that just makes things happen.
München is bigger, older, a little tougher, and man, he's loud! He's got a mouth on him that just won't quit! It's hard to believe that all that sound can come out of that little package.
Siamese are vocal cats, and this one, wow, he proves it.

The two were named after the kids' two favorite German cities. Katherine had a great time in Minden with a marvelous host family during her European tour last summer -- and Andrew felt as if he'd come home when he visited Bavaria this spring. Totally appropriate.
(I argued for Zeus and Jupiter. They're Siamese, after all, so they already think they're gods.)
Minden and München are not brothers, but were raised together. We got them from a breeder in Chesaning. The mama cats were friendly and happy, the place was clean and good-smelling, the breeders professional.
To a long, fun life, Minden and München!

Top left: München looks alert as Katherine holds him. Top right: Minden, top, and München race to the litter box. Bottom left: Robert compares his size-10 foot to the tiny kitten.

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