Sunday, May 20, 2007

Busy week for overachievers

Man, what a week for the overachieving Ranzenbergers. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to post, but … well, you’ll see.


Andrew is awarded the patch for Life Scout. That’s the rank just below Eagle – and he still has time to earn his Eagle. This is the highest rank in Scouting a Ranzenberger kid has ever achieved.
He’s also been the senior patrol leader of his troop, something I never accomplished. Currently, he holds the position of chaplain aide, a worthy senior leadership position in this values-driven organization.


Robert performs in the West Intermediate spring concert. The eighth-grade band has shown incredible progress, and Robert’s gained great confidence on the clarinet.


Minden just becomes more adorable. Or disturbing. One or the other.


Robert heads north to Camp Rotary for the Order of the Arrow Mischigonong Lodge spring fellowship. He is to undergo The Ordeal. Meanwhile, Katherine is performing in Collage, which showcases the vocal talent of Mt. Pleasant High School and West Intermediate School students.

Katherine opens the show as one of The Fair Maidens, and later performs a brief solo as part of an ensemble, along with Alex “Wally” Kaminski, left, and others. The two of them were Mt. Pleasant’s contribution to last summer’s Blue Lake International Choir.


Robert returns from the spring fellowship, a full member of the Order of the Arrow, the Scouts’ National Honor Society.

Then Bryce and Kay, the kids’ grandparents (my ex’s mother and stepfather), come over. It’s their 30th anniversary, and they choose to spend it with us. I photograph them in the back yard; an enlargement of this image is likely to find a place of honor in their home. They’ve been so great to the kids and me over the years, and it was great to see them.
Other than that, I guess we’ve just been goofing off!

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