Monday, February 14, 2011

Sociopathology in the American Black Community: STDs

As America celebrates Black History Month, it is good to keep in mind the ongoing severe social problems which originate from within the community itself. These are the kinds of problems which cannot be solved by legislation, sermons from the pulpit, lectures in the classroom, or fine televised speeches by fuzzy-minded politicians. These problems -- of rampant violence, resentment, and dysfunction -- have to be solved within the population. But before they can be solved, they must be faced.

African Americans commit several times more violent crime, have a 70% illegitimacy rate, and suffer much higher rates of many lifestyle diseases -- including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). From deadly HIV to Herpes to Gonorrhea to Syphilis to Chlamydia, American Blacks acquire these lifestyle diseases at far higher rates than other groups.

The human genitals are a teeming evolutionary laboratory of microbes of several kinds, from viruses, to fungi, to protozoa, to bacteria of many kinds. STDs of various types can cause anything from sterility to insanity to death, as well as congenital diseases which curse the next generation. STD microbes can learn and adapt -- often making them difficult targets for human medicine to control.

Now we are learning that at least one STD -- Gonorrhea -- can pick up human DNA and incorporate it into the bacterial genome.
Northwestern Medicine researchers have discovered the first evidence of a human DNA fragment in a bacterial genome — in this case, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the bacterium that causes gonorrhea. Further research showed the gene transfer appears to be a recent evolutionary event.

The discovery offers insight into evolution as well as gonorrhea’s nimble ability to continually adapt and survive in its human hosts. Gonorrhea, which is transmitted through sexual contact, is one of the oldest recorded diseases and one of a few exclusive to humans.

... It’s known that gene transfer occurs between different bacteria and even between bacteria and yeast cells. “But human DNA to a bacterium is a very large jump,” said lead author Mark Anderson, a postdoctoral fellow in microbiology. “This bacterium had to overcome several obstacles in order to acquire this DNA sequence.”

The paper will be published Feb. 14 in the online journal mBio._SB
The high rates of sociopathology and consequent increased suffering among black populations in the US is not particularly unusual. In Haiti and SubSaharan Africa, similar high rates of violent crime and lifestyle diseases prevail. The tendency among the politically correct cultures is to blame all these problems on outside groups. This popular PC tendency helps prevent any genuine improvement from ever taking place.

The first step is to admit the problem(s).

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