Friday, June 5, 2009

Junior's Attitude on Senior

When Junior Take a long time to finish, he is Slow,
When Senior takes a long time, he is Thorough.

When Junior don't do it, he is Lazy,
When Senior does not do it, he is Busy.

When Junior do something without being told, he is trying to be Smart,
When Senior does the same, he takes the Initiative.

When Junior please his Senior, he is apple Polishing,
When Senior pleases his Senior, he is Cooperating.

When Junior make a mistake, he is an Idiot,
When Senior makes a mistake, he's only Human.

When Junior is out of the office, he is Wondering Around,
When Senior is out of the office, he's on Business.

When Junior on a day off sick, he is always Sick,
When Senior is a day off sick, he must be very Ill.

When Junior apply for leave, he must be going for an Interview,
When Senior applies for leave, it's because he's Overworked.

When Junior do good, his Senior never Remembers,
When Junior do wrong, Senior never Forgets.

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