Sunday, November 2, 2008

The finals

The Friday Night Performance

There were tears in my eyes at Ford Field as I watched the best performance I have ever seen of the Mt. Pleasant High School marching band.

The music was awesome, on-target. The marching was crisp, the flags right on.

After several highly cerebral performances by the truly excellent bands from Ferndale, Grand Rapids Northview and Stephensville Lakeshore, the Oiler band wrapped up the flight with rock and roll.

Playing rock and roll with a marching band is tricky business. It can sound really bad. The Oilers do it better than anyone.

The result: an awesome 79.35 score, the best for an Oiler band since they won the state championship in 2000.

I couldn't help but remember how, two years ago, I was so excited when the band broke 70. Two years ago, Mt. Pleasant scored a 72.35, good for sixth. Last year, it was a 73.65, good for eighth. Last year, four band broke 80; this year, three did - Ferndale in third, Northview second and Lakeshore winning it.

Mt. Pleasant proved it belongs in that stratospheric height. And the band members already are looking forward to 2009.

Kiss? The Who? The Doors? Nobody does it better.

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