Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bicycles = Sustainability

Getting around campus without a car has just gotten a little easier and a lot more fun for many college freshmen this year. Several greener campuses across the country have initiated bike programs to help reduce the number of cars on campus. At least two colleges offered incoming freshmen the gift of a free bike if they left their cars at home. Several other colleges have bike loaner and bike sharing programs in the works.

The administrators want to prevent these campuses from becoming cities of asphalt parking spaces, help students keep their expenses down, and add a healthful element to students' daily schedules while offering a pleasanter and more personal college experience.

Perhaps most importantly, bike programs present a viable alternative transportation philosophy to our future generations. Imagine, upon their graduation, they'll think dark green in their choices of a new job or opportunity and select a place to live within biking distance.

See the New York Times article, With Free Bikes, Challenging Car Culture on Campus for more information.

Graphic of Bicycle District was designed by Jon Jandoc. Jon's site is The Joke is Up. Thanks also to

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