Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Greater love hath no man . . .

. . . than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).

A Schweinfurt, Germany-based infantryman who jumped on a grenade to save other troops was presented with the Medal of Honor yesterday. The 1st Infantry Division soldier, Spc. Ross Andrew McGinnis, 19, was killed 4 December 2006 while on a combat patrol in Baghdad.

Soldiers in his unit said he used his body to cover a grenade that had been thrown into his Humvee by an enemy fighter on a nearby rooftop. McGinnis’ actions probably saved the lives of the four other soldiers in the vehicle, his company commander, and other officials. As the U.S.’s highest award for wartime valor, the Medal of Honor is approved sparingly. This award is only the fifth which has been given out since the beginning of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I think McGinnis's heroism and the many soldiers who show his kind of self-sacrifice day in and day out should be a model and inspiration to us all.

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