Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter guard

Until I saw a guard competition, I had absolutely no idea that such a thing went on.
I got asked (drafted, really) to drive six teen-agers to Grand Rapids Northview High School Saturday so they could take part in a Michigan Color Guard Circuit competition. The Mt. Pleasant High School guard finished second in Class AA with a score of 48.2 - behind Portage Northern, a comparable-sized school outside Kalamazoo.

The guard warms up in the Northview auxiliary gym.

Guard is an interesting combination of modern dance, military-style drill, marching-band flags and pure athleticism. In band season, it complements the marching band. On its own, it's three to four minutes of fun to watch.

The Mt. Pleasant guard "blossoms" during its show.

The guard swirls and twirls on the floor and produced some solid crowd reaction.

Coach John Demkowicz gives some advice to the guard, left. At right, Katherine listens intensely.

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