Ah Paris. I usually adore it. But somehow this season, it seems that both of my favourite fashion houses has managed to disappoint me :(ChloeMaybe its because I've never really been much of a fan of Marni even at its height, and thus I fail to appreciate Paulo Melim's efforts over at Chloe. I can see a shadow of the effortlessly chic Chloe girl who was, but its like she has been buried in too much unneccesary drapings and graphics. The effect takes away the "effortless" and as for chic, well, that is debateable.
I mean, it doesn't look too bad. These dresses here are like a softer and more feminine version of Marni designs and thats pretty.
And these are ok (well, maybe not that graphic purple dress), but they just don't inspire me to jump up and rush to the store and get something similar you know.
I actually like the feel of the far left and far right dress here. Probably because they resemble some of Philo's last collection except in different prints. Though these graphics don't quite have the glam factors that its predecessors had, these are more youthful, too youthful. I just kind of expected more from Chloe, my favourite brand.
Titled Nuits d'Été, this collection was another case of, what was Karl thinking?
I never thought I'd say this, but I thought a lot of the pieces looked trashy. What an oxymoron for Chanel. First of all, I cannot imagine how light colored denim can look good as a bathing suit. I don't even like the color as jeans/jackets that much. I hope that color is not making a come back. And no matter what Karl says, dressing up like an American flag is not classy, not even on 4th of July. Come to think of it, Karl's not even American.....
The dress (left) had potential to be ok, but paired with those boots, ugh. The middle outfit, another ugh. And the model looks like she's wearing an oversized version of little kid's clothing in that colorful dress with the matching socks (right).
Grommet dresses should not be paired with such boots. And admittedly the middle/right dress is not that bad, the middle one even carries a gothic flair thats kind of romantic, its not really to my taste.
Luckily in this 71 piece collection, Karl managed to squeeze in a few more elegant, simple and classic pieces for me. Maybe this makes me boring for being unreceptive to his more adventurous pieces, but THIS for me, is the Chanel style.

And I ADORE these evening pieces as well. They are innovation yet still aesthetically pleasing, flattering to the figure and classy.
Oh and besides those thigh high boots, love the shoes in this collection. Especially LOVE these three pairs shown above. They are works of art!
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