Thursday, February 22, 2007

A one-way ticket to Palookaville

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Photo: Scott Gunn

Monday night seemed like it just wasn't her night. We have yet to see how things will work out, but I thought the following comment posted on Stand Firm was very perceptive.

It strikes me that there’s a lot of carrot and stick in the way that KJS in particular was treated here. The carrot is she’s treated as one of the primates and even given an elevated position among them. The stick is that she can lose it if ECUSA doesn’t at least put on a better pretense of complying with Windsor/Dromantine. Plus there’s a slightly stronger structure in place to protect the orthodox in ECUSA.

On the whole I’m not completely satisfied, but then the Anglican Communion has never done what I thought it should do. I think we can live with this though.


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