Friday, November 24, 2006


Thanksgiving 2006 was peaceful and calm. Getting there was a challenge.
The kids, who haven't spent a weekend together at their mother's since, oh, about June, all went to Detroit for the holiday. Sounds simple enough, right?
Not with the schedule juggling that was necessary. Andrew worked Wednesday night until 8. Kathy had a rehearsal that run until 9:30. We finally swapped kids in Midland at 10:30.
That left Kissy Missy and me to spend Bird-Day by ourselves. That was nice, watching parades, going to the Doherty for Thanksgiving dinner, simply enjoying the beautiful day as a couple.
It was some of the best weather I can recall for a Thanksgiving Day. It was sunny, and the temperature rose to the mid-50s.
Today, I have to work at the paper. I'm not sure what I'll be doing, but it shouldn't be a major strain. I guess we missed the early shopping -- Prime Outlets at Birch Run opened at midnight.
The kids come back early Saturday morning; Andrew needs to be to work at 10 a.m., so he'll be up excruciatingly early.
For all of it, yes, we are thankful.

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