Back to work Monday after the long holiday, and actually, it feels good.
I've decided -- for whatever good it does me -- that the trouble with a fall semester is that the break comes 12 weeks into it, and it's short. Spring's easier, with a break right in the middle.
So what would happen if we Americans moved Thanksgiving to the last week in October, instead of the last week of November? The Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving the second Monday of October, but that's a little early.
Make it the last Thursday of October. The Thursday holiday helps the retailers and makes it a long weekend.
Maybe there could be a tie-in with Halloween, but I'd have to figure out the scheduling. Maybe Halloween could be Thursday, Black Friday on Friday, and Thanksgiving on Monday.
If this about retailing anyway, why not start the Christmas season earlier? We're already getting Christmas Carols in early November; why not have everybody start them at the same time, and we can get used to it? Besides, that way, there'd be at least one, maybe two credit card payments during the holiday shopping season, so people could buy more!
And the weather would be so much better for Black Friday if it were in October instead of November.
Is there a call for a movement here?