Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Honors choir, again

For the second straight year, Kathy's been selected for the Michigan School Vocal Music Association's State Honors Choir.

Kathy sings alto, a very powerful, moving alto. With the right song, she can make you cry.
Earlier this year, as an eighth-grader, she performed with the honors choir at Devos Hall in Grand Rapids. That was Jan. 21, 2006, and it was a marvelous experience.
Next year's performance is set for Jan. 27, 3 p.m., same venue.
Kathy's smiling a little bit; the honors choir is to perform the gospel "Walk in Jerusalem." It's the same arrangement the Blue Lake choir used last summer on its European tour.
"I know this!" Kathy said when she saw the music.
It's a great song -- and it will be a great performance.

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