Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Meet the Ranzenbergers

The original plan was for Fuzzy, Annie and Lexie to come up the Sunday before Labor Day. I'd cook them dinner and we'd all relax in the woods.
But Fuzzy had never met Annie's dad, Bill, and when Bill invited Annie to bring the new guy up to the cottage on White Lake near Whitehall, the kids decided to go there.
And Bill invited us to join them.
It wasn't exactly "Meet the Fokkers," but in the hands of the right storyteller, it will be. (Hee Hee)

Bill's a nice guy. He's a developer and insurance agent, confident, connected. Of course, I'm the egghead and media maven. I think we'll get along fine.
Of course, I did break his boat lift. And Andrew managed to dump him off his WaveRunner a couple of times before Andrew got the hang of balancing the dang thing.
In the end, it worked.

Lexie's almost walking, and you can see the connection between Annie and Fuzzy and Lexie.

So far, so good. Get your degree, Annie, then take on the world. Your dad and I agree on that.

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