Thursday, August 31, 2006

Slider Phones

Having had the same Nokia 6100 for 3 years, I've been on the lookout for a new phone for a while.

Over the years, all my phones have looked remarkably alike, the Nokia 6100, the Nokia 8250 and this other Nokia one so old that I don't even remember the model of. But it looks like the third one shown- except more squarish. They're all basically just upgraded versions of each other. So this time, I was determined to look for something different.

Hence I turned my attention to sliders, because they just look so sleek and cool. Plus, sliding is just fun! Naturally I was drawn to the ever stylish LG Chocolate and the Samsung E900, with their super sleek form and cool sensor buttons.

But alas, my strong sense of brand loyalty to Nokia (in case you haven't notice) wouldn't let me buy anything else but Nokia. I mean, what if those flimsy things from Samsung and LG breaks on me after a year? My Nokias have never broken on me before- while the Samsung flip one T Mobile gave me when I opened my mobile phone is already dying after one year! (Incidently does anyone know whether they're supposed to give me a new phone when I resign my contract each year?)

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Anyway, deciding to get a 3G just in case I should ever find myself in Japan/Korea or that T Mobile suddenly decides to gift me with the free use of the internet and video conversations at the price of a phone call, I was basically left with two choices: the new N80 or the 6250 (or whatever else you call it in your country). While the N80 is the newest, whatever extra function they added has made it thick and bulky- not pretty. And who needs something mega expensive and not pretty? So in the end (after all this thought process) I finally settled on 6250 because of its function and sleek appearance (although I would prefer it even slimmer).

My Favorite Accessory For Fall 2006

I get a lot of emailed questions about my, I mean my camera!
As an investment in my blog i just bought the Canon 5D and a 50mm/1.4 lens.
This is the equipment I used in Europe for the mens shows and I have rented when shooting GQ or other assignments. If you liked the photograph before it will take two big steps forward. Partly because of the new camera (I shot Dior Boy with a Canon 5D as an example) but also now that I will be working full-time I will be shooting more in the evening when the light is really great. Up to now I could only shoot in the morning and midday when the light is much less forgiving.

My Favorite Accessory For Fall 2006

I get a lot of emailed questions about my, I mean my camera!
As an investment in my blog i just bought the Canon 5D and a 50mm/1.4 lens.
This is the equipment I used in Europe for the mens shows and I have rented when shooting GQ or other assignments. If you liked the photograph before it will take two big steps forward. Partly because of the new camera (I shot Dior Boy with a Canon 5D as an example) but also now that I will be working full-time I will be shooting more in the evening when the light is really great. Up to now I could only shoot in the morning and midday when the light is much less forgiving.

My Favorite Accessory For Fall 2006

I get a lot of emailed questions about my, I mean my camera!
As an investment in my blog i just bought the Canon 5D and a 50mm/1.4 lens.
This is the equipment I used in Europe for the mens shows and I have rented when shooting GQ or other assignments. If you liked the photograph before it will take two big steps forward. Partly because of the new camera (I shot Dior Boy with a Canon 5D as an example) but also now that I will be working full-time I will be shooting more in the evening when the light is really great. Up to now I could only shoot in the morning and midday when the light is much less forgiving.

The Sartorialist Goes Shopping For Fashion Week - p4

This is the Marc jacobs black corduroy jacket I'm buying for the shows.
Since he already cuts his jackets pretty short and slim very little alterations will need to be done - just sleeves, nip in the waist and the back-collar roll adjustment.

The pants in the shot are my new APC slim cut cotton jeans, hopefully the dark denim jeans will stretch out to fit like these cotton jeans.

I'm really excited about the black jacket - I think it will be a great investment. It will work with my dark denim jeans, black cotton jeans, grey flannels, proper black wool pants and or even my beat-up Levis. Of course I will wear the jacket with the Lidfort shoes, I think they are really important to the jacket because they don't look like Jil Sander shoes or Prada or even Marc shoes really, so I think it will keep me from having too literal a "Marc Jacobs look." That kind of mix really sums up my own personal look - mixing old-school Italian like Lidfort or Borrelli with much more modern labels like Dries or Marc.

Every season I try to buy one unreasonable accessory.

This season it is this Dries Van Noten sequined scarf. I know, crazy- but It is short enough that I can wear it loosely tied around my neck and inside my shirt for an updated ascot kinda thing.

I mean really, who ever heard of a sequined ascot/scarf - like I said, it is completely unreasonable but I love it!

The Sartorialist Goes Shopping For Fashion Week - p4

This is the Marc jacobs black corduroy jacket I'm buying for the shows.
Since he already cuts his jackets pretty short and slim very little alterations will need to be done - just sleeves, nip in the waist and the back-collar roll adjustment.

The pants in the shot are my new APC slim cut cotton jeans, hopefully the dark denim jeans will stretch out to fit like these cotton jeans.

I'm really excited about the black jacket - I think it will be a great investment. It will work with my dark denim jeans, black cotton jeans, grey flannels, proper black wool pants and or even my beat-up Levis. Of course I will wear the jacket with the Lidfort shoes, I think they are really important to the jacket because they don't look like Jil Sander shoes or Prada or even Marc shoes really, so I think it will keep me from having too literal a "Marc Jacobs look." That kind of mix really sums up my own personal look - mixing old-school Italian like Lidfort or Borrelli with much more modern labels like Dries or Marc.

Every season I try to buy one unreasonable accessory.

This season it is this Dries Van Noten sequined scarf. I know, crazy- but It is short enough that I can wear it loosely tied around my neck and inside my shirt for an updated ascot kinda thing.

I mean really, who ever heard of a sequined ascot/scarf - like I said, it is completely unreasonable but I love it!

The Sartorialist Goes Shopping For Fashion Week - p4

This is the Marc jacobs black corduroy jacket I'm buying for the shows.
Since he already cuts his jackets pretty short and slim very little alterations will need to be done - just sleeves, nip in the waist and the back-collar roll adjustment.

The pants in the shot are my new APC slim cut cotton jeans, hopefully the dark denim jeans will stretch out to fit like these cotton jeans.

I'm really excited about the black jacket - I think it will be a great investment. It will work with my dark denim jeans, black cotton jeans, grey flannels, proper black wool pants and or even my beat-up Levis. Of course I will wear the jacket with the Lidfort shoes, I think they are really important to the jacket because they don't look like Jil Sander shoes or Prada or even Marc shoes really, so I think it will keep me from having too literal a "Marc Jacobs look." That kind of mix really sums up my own personal look - mixing old-school Italian like Lidfort or Borrelli with much more modern labels like Dries or Marc.

Every season I try to buy one unreasonable accessory.

This season it is this Dries Van Noten sequined scarf. I know, crazy- but It is short enough that I can wear it loosely tied around my neck and inside my shirt for an updated ascot kinda thing.

I mean really, who ever heard of a sequined ascot/scarf - like I said, it is completely unreasonable but I love it!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mischa Barton for Keds

While I was flipping through Teen Vogue a few months ago, it occured to me that it actually seems natural now to see Ked's shoes featured within the editorial content. But think back a few years ago, hardly anyone knew Ked's! I'm sure Keds was a well-known brand before, but let's face it, before Mischa started advertising for it, Ked's was no where near the fashion radar. But since the images of Mischa looking very cool in cute outfits and various pair of Ked's started appearing in Teen Vogue and other magazines, Keds just seemed more... attractive, at least on print it did.

Starting from Mischa's golden girl days at the OC.

So cute and pretty! Mischa looks like an effortless prom queen here.

Looking cool in a silk dress and Keds.

Keds for the fun-loving girl inside all of us.

This is one of this season's ads. I LOVE this image -a stylish student looking cool in the library. If only we all looked like that as a student!

Seeing Keds in real life though, is slightly disappointing. And perhaps most importantly, it is impossible for one to make Keds look cool, that is unless you wear clothes that really match Keds style, or you look as cool as Mischa does.

Problem Loading Photos This Morning

I'm having a problem loading photos this morning but it should be corrected by tonight.

In the meantime, I would love to hear which collections you are most excited about for the upcoming Spring 2007 round of shows.

Problem Loading Photos This Morning

I'm having a problem loading photos this morning but it should be corrected by tonight.

In the meantime, I would love to hear which collections you are most excited about for the upcoming Spring 2007 round of shows.

Problem Loading Photos This Morning

I'm having a problem loading photos this morning but it should be corrected by tonight.

In the meantime, I would love to hear which collections you are most excited about for the upcoming Spring 2007 round of shows.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

On The Street..Cardigan Rocker, West Village

It has been raining for the last several days in New York. Great for shopping but tough for shooting outside.

On The Street..Cardigan Rocker, West Village

It has been raining for the last several days in New York. Great for shopping but tough for shooting outside.

On The Street..Cardigan Rocker, West Village

It has been raining for the last several days in New York. Great for shopping but tough for shooting outside.

Stylish School Bags

To prepare us for the beginning of yet another school year, I thought I'd look at some stylish school bags to get us excited. Now when I think of school bags, the first thing that pops into my head is the typical Jansport backpack in its various shades that was ever so popular back in high school. But as I've proceeded to college, I've tried to veer away from them because a)one DOES need variety after so many years of backpacking b) it never matches with any of my outfits and c) its time to gradually move onto something a bit more sophisticated.

One of my favourite brands for school bags is Le Sportsac. Their bags are light, spacey, looks good and are waterproof. I especifically loved their LAMB collection back then. I used to buy one each season (and I still use them!), but alas, Gwen stopped designing bags for Le Sportsac and now their collections are not quite as impressive. But I think these two are ok, especially the black messenger one on the left, which will definitely match all your outfits!

Currently, I am using a brown Coach tote from last season that looks remarkably like the one on the left except mine is not as cool and is not reversible (although who wants the Coach tag hanging outside anyway? It was designed to be inside for a reason!). I really like it as again it matches everything, is sophisticated, fits everything and surprisingly doesn't get dirty that easily. For a smaller size, the one on the right is of a pretty good size too. It fits the average notebook and laptop snugly. Although I'm not sure how i feel about their new print here. . .
Another good choice is the classic Longchamp one (left). I used to not like it, but after seeing some really cool people on the streets with them, this design is definitely growing on me. And I can't help but lust after their new brown suede bag (right) this season. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

For something more sophisticated, I am loving these two from Anthropologie that sooo reminds me of Miu Miu this season.

I am also absolutely LOVING these Warhol totes from Urban Outfitters. They are SO COOL. I can totally see someone in a punky tee, skinny jeans and heels wearing this.

American Eagle has some pretty cute options too. The navy one is very reminescent of Longchamp's one except at a much friendlier price and the brown messenger the girl in the ad looks adorable.

The blue bow bag is pretty, feminine and of a size that is perfect for school. The strap also looks adjustable, so it can be worn long across or short as a tote! And this black messenger here is the epitome of a messenger bag. Definitely stylish school bag material. Oh and these two are from Urban Outfitters.

For more classic messengers, look to Accessorize. This suede brown one is beautiful. And this army green one with the leather details reminds me of Balenciaga for some reasons, but I can't quite put a finger on as to why.

The Sartorialist Goes Shopping For Fashion Week - p3

Downtown to APC for some new jeans.
I took a pair of New Cure slim cut, unwashed denim into the dressing room - size 31.

The waist was perfect but the legs were a little tight.
I came out and asked the salesperson what he thought. He asked if I had any problem buttoning the waist, "no" I said "the waist is perfect but the legs are a bit tight."
Again he says "you had no problem button the waist? ", "no" I repeated. " oh, then those are too big!" He looked very serious.

I tried on the size 30.
I could barely button them closed and I could not bend my legs once I was in them!
This time I literally HOPPED out of the dressing room!
The salesperson rushes over and says "PERFECT!!!"

I will have to wear them around the house for a day to stretch them out a bit before I can get them hemmed.

I read my readers comments and emails and a lot of you also said to size down because the APC jeans stretch out - I'm trusting you!

If I lose circulation in my lower half or lose the ability to reproduce because of these jeans I gonna be super pissed - except they also mentioned I should not get my jeans wet either.

The Sartorialist Goes Shopping For Fashion Week - p3

Downtown to APC for some new jeans.
I took a pair of New Cure slim cut, unwashed denim into the dressing room - size 31.

The waist was perfect but the legs were a little tight.
I came out and asked the salesperson what he thought. He asked if I had any problem buttoning the waist, "no" I said "the waist is perfect but the legs are a bit tight."
Again he says "you had no problem button the waist? ", "no" I repeated. " oh, then those are too big!" He looked very serious.

I tried on the size 30.
I could barely button them closed and I could not bend my legs once I was in them!
This time I literally HOPPED out of the dressing room!
The salesperson rushes over and says "PERFECT!!!"

I will have to wear them around the house for a day to stretch them out a bit before I can get them hemmed.

I read my readers comments and emails and a lot of you also said to size down because the APC jeans stretch out - I'm trusting you!

If I lose circulation in my lower half or lose the ability to reproduce because of these jeans I gonna be super pissed - except they also mentioned I should not get my jeans wet either.

The Sartorialist Goes Shopping For Fashion Week - p3

Downtown to APC for some new jeans.
I took a pair of New Cure slim cut, unwashed denim into the dressing room - size 31.

The waist was perfect but the legs were a little tight.
I came out and asked the salesperson what he thought. He asked if I had any problem buttoning the waist, "no" I said "the waist is perfect but the legs are a bit tight."
Again he says "you had no problem button the waist? ", "no" I repeated. " oh, then those are too big!" He looked very serious.

I tried on the size 30.
I could barely button them closed and I could not bend my legs once I was in them!
This time I literally HOPPED out of the dressing room!
The salesperson rushes over and says "PERFECT!!!"

I will have to wear them around the house for a day to stretch them out a bit before I can get them hemmed.

I read my readers comments and emails and a lot of you also said to size down because the APC jeans stretch out - I'm trusting you!

If I lose circulation in my lower half or lose the ability to reproduce because of these jeans I gonna be super pissed - except they also mentioned I should not get my jeans wet either.

The Sartorialist Video Project

Friday I spent the day doing a test video project - this was my film crew - Ethan and Emily. It is still in the early stages but I will edit on Thursday so I'm really excited for the next step. If it doesn't go well you will never hear me mention it again but I know what we have in the camera and it is pretty cool so I will update as I get closer to a finished product.

The Sartorialist Video Project

Friday I spent the day doing a test video project - this was my film crew - Ethan and Emily. It is still in the early stages but I will edit on Thursday so I'm really excited for the next step. If it doesn't go well you will never hear me mention it again but I know what we have in the camera and it is pretty cool so I will update as I get closer to a finished product.

The Sartorialist Video Project

Friday I spent the day doing a test video project - this was my film crew - Ethan and Emily. It is still in the early stages but I will edit on Thursday so I'm really excited for the next step. If it doesn't go well you will never hear me mention it again but I know what we have in the camera and it is pretty cool so I will update as I get closer to a finished product.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Emmy's 2006 Fashion

I had my wisdom teeth pulled out last week, so I've been staying at home and rewatching House and Grey's Anatomy in the past week. Thus I've been in a very TV-mood and actually excited about the Emmy's.

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*Squeals* 24 won 3 major awards -Outstanding Drama Series, Outstanding Lead Actor in A Drama Series and Outstanding Directing For A Drama Series. 24 is the only TV show that makes me think 'what's going to happen next?' Kiefer Sutherland and 24 totally deserve these awards.
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The ladies of 24, Mary Lynn Rayskub and Kim Raver. Rayskub's dress is such a pretty and classic dress. Raver looks gorgeous, but I'm not a big fan of her Pamela Roland dress.
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Moving on to Grey's Anatomy, Ellen Pompei in a body-fitting John Galliano for Christian Dior gown. I love how luxurious the dress and material looks and it fits Ellen really well. Unfortunately, that hair and makeup is just awful.
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Katherine Heigl looked stunning in a nude Escada dress. Her hair and makeup is very Hollywood-glamour. Chandra Wilson looked fabulous in a fire-engine red Bradley Bayou dress.
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I don't really like Kate Walsh's shiny dress, but she (her makeup and hair,) looked beautiful. Sandra Oh wore a pretty Vera Wang dress. It looks fantastic on her, but I'm not sure the huge necklace matches the ruffle neckline.
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Two doctors from two series: Patrick Dempsey aka Dr. Derick Shepard /Mc Dreamy, and Hugh Laurie aka House. ( I absolutely adore House's character and sarcasim in the show.)
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Jennifer Morrison is sooo pretty! Her dress, hair and makeup all just made her look so sweet -loves it

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Lisa Edelstein looked fantastic in her black & white gown. I especially like the braclet she's showing off here.

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Moving onto other people, I loved Evangeline Lilly's whole look -from the eggplant Versace gown to the gorgeous wavy hair. On the other hand, I really don't like Eva Longoria's dress, even if she 's oh-so-beautiful herself.

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Kyra Sedgwick wore one of the most elaborate dresses on the red carpet. The dress is by Giorgio Armani Prive.

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Jennifer Love Hewitt looked elegant in this gorgeous Collette Dinnigan dress. The details on the dress is soo nice.
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Tyra Banks looked amazing in this very-couture Georges Chakra gown. She actually flew to Paris to get fittings done, so the dress fits her perfectly.
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The happy-looking, stunning couple, Seal and Heidi Klum. Heidi's gown is by Michael Kors. I don't really like the Michael Kors gown Heidi wore but she looked stunning as usual.

The Sartorialist Goes Shopping For Fashion Week -p2

Next stop - Ralph Lauren Mansion at 72nd St.

I really love the new Black Label suits.
I found a perfect 3-button blue suit with a faint white stripe, classic Ralph style but very slim cut. Since I have broad shoulders and a slim waist ,as you can see in the photo, we were faced with an arsenal of alterations but I was prepared with a gameplan.

First - Have the suit fit while wearing the shoes that I had just bought at Barneys (both the black and brown will look great). Getting a suit fitted wearing tennis shoes is just asking for trouble.

Second - The shirt (white spread collar with French cuffs) and we pinned the sleeves to the correct length (right at my wrist bone - I hate when they ride low on my hand). Then we pinned in the body of the shirt, I was a little surprised that the shirt was not more slim cut to begin with.

Third - The pants, we had to take the waist in a bit and taper the leg a bit. Once the legs have been tapered we will decide on the final length at the second fitting.
What i really love about the pants is that they are cut with side-taps and not belt loops! Just like the suit Cary Grant had on in North by Northwest.

Fourth - The jacket. Since the jacket has to work in harmony with the pants and shirt we waited until they were pinned in place at the correct measurements. Of course we had to remove the roll at the back neck of the jacket, then we pinned in the sides and shortened the sleeves (being very careful to get at least a 1/2 inch of cuff). The final alteration was to shorten the length of the jacket about a half inch. They will also re-steam the lapel so it rolls to the middle button.

I will be holding my breath hoping that all this works out correctly but I have had work done at Ralph Lauren before and it was superb.

My only rookie mistake I made while buying the suit. I had actually picked it out a few days before but when I went back for the alterations the salesperson was not there. Of course no other salesman wants to help you during the alterations for no commission so the Mens store manager was very kind to spend some time with me and he made sure I got what I needed, thanks Todd.

Now the real fun begins - buying ties and pocket squares for the suit.

The Sartorialist Goes Shopping For Fashion Week -p2

Next stop - Ralph Lauren Mansion at 72nd St.

I really love the new Black Label suits.
I found a perfect 3-button blue suit with a faint white stripe, classic Ralph style but very slim cut. Since I have broad shoulders and a slim waist ,as you can see in the photo, we were faced with an arsenal of alterations but I was prepared with a gameplan.

First - Have the suit fit while wearing the shoes that I had just bought at Barneys (both the black and brown will look great). Getting a suit fitted wearing tennis shoes is just asking for trouble.

Second - The shirt (white spread collar with French cuffs) and we pinned the sleeves to the correct length (right at my wrist bone - I hate when they ride low on my hand). Then we pinned in the body of the shirt, I was a little surprised that the shirt was not more slim cut to begin with.

Third - The pants, we had to take the waist in a bit and taper the leg a bit. Once the legs have been tapered we will decide on the final length at the second fitting.
What i really love about the pants is that they are cut with side-taps and not belt loops! Just like the suit Cary Grant had on in North by Northwest.

Fourth - The jacket. Since the jacket has to work in harmony with the pants and shirt we waited until they were pinned in place at the correct measurements. Of course we had to remove the roll at the back neck of the jacket, then we pinned in the sides and shortened the sleeves (being very careful to get at least a 1/2 inch of cuff). The final alteration was to shorten the length of the jacket about a half inch. They will also re-steam the lapel so it rolls to the middle button.

I will be holding my breath hoping that all this works out correctly but I have had work done at Ralph Lauren before and it was superb.

My only rookie mistake I made while buying the suit. I had actually picked it out a few days before but when I went back for the alterations the salesperson was not there. Of course no other salesman wants to help you during the alterations for no commission so the Mens store manager was very kind to spend some time with me and he made sure I got what I needed, thanks Todd.

Now the real fun begins - buying ties and pocket squares for the suit.
