Sunday, May 21, 2006

Open House

Today is the big day, the May open house as we continue our adventures in selling the Lake Isabella house.
Preparations for this have been under way, literally, for months.

Kissy Missy had decided back in January to bid on two hours of the WCFX Breakfast Flakes show, and she bought it.

On Friday, bright and excrutiatingly early, she went on the air to hustle the place.
Man, she sounded good. Very smooth, very professional, and she used every bit of her "She could sell dog food to a cat" expertise.
The house is nearly ready. All last summer and last fall, we painted and cleaned and repaired and did all the stuff that you're supposed to do to sell a house.
We still were at it yesterday. The spray nozzle on the back kitchen hose broke, and between Bert, Andrew and me, it only took about and hour and a half to fix it. (It took a while to find that rare and elusive tool, used once in a blue moon, called a basin wrench. It's clear I've been a homeowner too long -- I had one. Robert found it.)
A run outside, running the leaf blower to clean off the decks and the stepping stones, straighten-tidy-straighten, and we'll be ready.
The Mount Pleasant Realtors have scheduled a lot of Lake Isabella open houses today. There should be prospective buyers all over the place. I just hope they can find our place.
Months of preparation, months of prayer, months of keeping things together. St. Joseph, your help, please. All it takes is one buyer.
And then the fun of moving will begin.
The weather seems good -- it's a little chilly, but the day shooooooould warm up. The sunrise is absolutely golden.
So will somebody want the house? Will an interested buyer walk in the door and say, "Yeah, this is the place."?
Please, Lord, send us a buyer for our house. I've often heard that if you want the Lord's help to move a mountain, bring a shovel. We brung one, Lord. Bring us a buyer!

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